Advanced network and computer lab troubleshooting page for IT professional use
Web Filter/Proxy Test
Please add the following URLs//web filter whitelist and then confirm that the following sites are available by visiting them behind the filter.
Please note, even if your network has a high capacity, content filters do not! They often cannot keep up with hundreds of students clicking answers every 3 to 5 sections. This rate will overwhelm content filters where as during initial pilots all may have gone well.
White list of URLs: - Used for Google Single Sign In - for teachers and admins - for teachers and admins
*Please note that some web filters require you add both http and https for each url to the whitelist. Additionally some web filters require you define both www and non www urls on the white list.
*** Use wildcards if possible to allow all subdomains of our main URL to avoid possible issues. I.e. *
If there are heavily congested times on the network, e.g. first thing in morning or at lunchtime, plan testing times during off peak hours. Ensure that there is not any sub-optimal lab network hardware in use, mainly lab hubs/switches and in some cases old nics. If ISP bandwidth is an issue, consider increasing your ISP speed package.
Other Recommendations
If you have exhausted troubleshooting ideas and are still experiencing issues, it is recommended that you try connecting to Let's Go Learn from a computer on your LAN that bypasses your web filter or proxy. Test the connection closest to your gateway with the least amount of software/network devices in between. In the vast majority of our troubleshooting cases that could not be resolved easily, the issues were within the LAN due either to hardware or software causing the restrictions.